Levels of the English language course

Levels of advancement in English

The English course at Bla-Bla School has been divided into 6 levels, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), or the European System for Language Education Description (ESOKJ). This scale was developed by the Council of Europe and applies in all countries that are part of the European Union. Below you will find a detailed description of the skills that a graduate of each level can boast.

  • Starter – Beginner (0-A1) 10% 10%
  • Elementary (A1-A2) 25% 25%
  • Pre Intermediate – Intermediate (B1-B2) 38% 38%
  • Upper Intermediate (B2-C1) 60% 60%
  • Advanced (C1) 82% 82%
  • Master (C2) 100% 100%

Level A1

The student understands simple messages in English and can build short statements about everyday situations.


  • introducing oneself, talking about oneself
  • introducing other people, making acquaintances
  • description of people, appearance, character, preferences, skills
  • determining time, date
  • asking for directions and giving directions shopping
  • ordering food in a restaurant,
  • booking a ticket, room
  • giving advice, giving or refusing permission
  • exchange of addresses, phones, short phone calls
  • proposing leisure time
  • conversations about the weather, interests, daily activities, well-being


  • modal verbs: can, may, must
  • conjugation of verbs to be, to have
  • personal pronouns
  • nouns – plural,
  • Saxon genitive,
  • countable/uncountable adjectives
  • adverbs prepositions
  • imperative mood tenses: Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Present Perfect,
  • going to construction


Level A2

The student knows basic vocabulary, understands statements about everyday life, can construct simple statements, thanks to which you can conduct conversations on basic topics. The student can write simple messages.


  • giving advice in everyday situations
  • expressing opinions, proposals, dissatisfaction or complaints
  • spinning plans for the future reminiscing about past events


  • passive voice
  • reported speech
  • modal verbs – should, must, might
  • complex sentences with which, who, that
  • conditional sentences
  • tenses: Past Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect, Future Continuous

Level B1

The student has such a rich vocabulary that during a conversation he can convey his opinion. He speaks in a simple but understandable way on topics that are known to him and about events typical for work, school, leisure, etc. He can create simple, coherent written statements.


  • listening and understanding longer statements and messages
  • constructing complex sentences to describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions
  • justifying and arguing one’s opinions talking about plans for the future,
  • summarizing past events or the plot of films, books


  • passive voice subordinate, conditional and temporal sentences
  • sequence of tenses verb constructions (infinitive/gerund)
  • question tags prepositions countability of the noun prefixes and suffixes
  • compound verbs compound nouns collocations tenses (without Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous)


Level B2

The student can fluently express himself on various topics, both in speech and in writing. He also has no problem catching thoughts in complex statements, as well as explaining his position, considering the advantages and disadvantages of various solutions.


  • formal and informal business discussions (discussions, job interviews, etc.)
  • creating detailed descriptions of events, objects, rooms, external environment
  • discussing sports, culture, climate, health, language, preferences, business


  • reported speech countable and uncountable nouns and prepositions
  • pronouns emphatic structures and inversion
  • passive voice and causative have
  • subordinate sentences and conjunctions
  • comparison of adjectives and adverbs and expressing comparisons modal verbs and expressions with incomplete and full infinitive
  • gerund all grammatical tenses

Level C1

The student at this level understands a wide range of specialized, longer texts. He can also catch nuances and allusions, expressed “between sentences”. He speaks fluently and spontaneously in speech and writing, freely uses English in social, educational, business contacts. He correctly uses the rules of speech organization, connectors.


  • understanding long and complex texts: scientific articles, books, user manuals, beautiful literature
  • conducting presentations (including analysis and presentation of data), negotiations
  • formulating hypotheses, opinions, ideas with great precision selecting expressions, means and figures of speech, depending on the audience


  • complex verb and noun forms
  • modal verbs – nuances of meaning
  • expressing hypothesis – wish, if only, etc.

Poziom C2

The student at level C2 easily understands and communicates complex content at a professional level of language. He participates in specialized business and scientific discussions, as well as in spontaneous social conversations, at a deep level of understanding. He can prepare a scientific dissertation and presentations in advanced English and Business English.

All these skills are associated with knowledge and use of grammar and vocabulary at an advanced level of English and Business English.

How to start an English course at BLA-BLA SCHOOL? It’s simple!


Schedule a preliminary conversation

During the meeting, we will ask you to present your goals and needs and we will check your level of language proficiency.


Take advantage of a free trial lesson

Check if learning at BLA-BLA SCHOOL is for you. Come to the first, free classes and get to know us better.


Start learning at BLA-BLA SCHOOL

We are convinced that the English course at BLA-BLA SCHOOL will be a passionate experience for you.